Saitsa Marketing

Saitsa Marketing

SAIT Links

HANDBOOK SAIT Resources The following departments at SAIT provide valuable resources for students. Check out the listings below for more info on each department, and find links to their websites. Apprentice Services Accessing Student Email Head over to Your SAIT…

Pride Zoom Room

Connect with fellow SAIT students on LGBTQ+ topics! Join us every Thursday from 12:00-1:00 and build a proud community! Check out the Zoom Room guidelines here – Download PDF To join, register using the form below. The Zoom link will be provided…

Disruptor Award

1 individual/year – $500 Nomination or Personal Application – Impact/Personal Statement (250 words max) Context Saitsa believes in the power of individuals and grassroots advocacy; we strive to provide opportunities for students to engage in a variety of advocacy initiatives…

Sentinel Award

Sentinel Award 1 department/year – no monetary value Nomination – Impact Statement (500 words max) Context It takes a village to raise a child and it takes a community to support students. SAIT offers a variety of support services to…