Share Your Passion

Start a Club

Before you start

  • Any currently enrolled student at SAIT is eligible to establish or join a student club.
  • Clubs may register at any time during the fiscal year, however, clubs are permitted to change their club name at registration only.
  • Before you register, make sure you have at least three (3) current key club executive positions filled, which is the President, a Vice-President Operations, and a Vice-President Finance.

*Please note that only current SAIT students who have paid their Saitsa fee may hold executive positions.

Establish Your Club



Fill out the Stage 1 Registration form. It will first prompt you to create a new Rubric club account which you can proceed with using your SAIT email address.



Once Stage 1 has been approved, you will be notified to complete the Stage 2 and 3 forms, which will both be accessible from your new Rubric Club account.


Plan Events

Once your club is approved, organize activities, events and more for your club members!

*Please note, Saitsa reserves the right to refuse any club application that violates Saitsa’s governing documents.