JM Parker Award

  • 1 recipient/year, $1,000 award
  • Essay submission (500-word max) & letter(s) of reference


Established in 2001, this award recognizes James Merv Parker’s outstanding commitment to student leadership. For twenty-nine years, first as a Metals Instructor and later as the Assistant Director of Student Services, JM Parker was much admired by Saitsa’s student leaders. This award serves to recognize those students who have shown great dedication to the SAIT community through student leadership.

Application Criteria

Only those who are currently a member of the Saitsa Board of Directors (BOD) are eligible to apply for the JM Parker Award. Applicants must have met their explicit obligations for being a Director, and demonstrate that they meet for the following criteria:

  • Constantly improves the SAIT student experience;
  • Fosters connections and collaborative practices between peers, groups and/or the Board;
  • Respectfully acknowledges and appreciates the perspectives and backgrounds of others;
  • Inspires, encourages, supports and recruits other future leaders; and
  • Engages in leadership opportunities outside of the Board.

Applicants are required to submit a minimum of one, and a maximum of three, reference letters.

Selection Criteria

The Manager of Governance & Advocacy, in consultation with the Neutral Facilitator, shall be provided all applications and is required to select up to three finalists based on the criteria of the award. The final selection of a recipient is to be made by the Awards Selection Committee. Preference may be given to those who have actively pursued opportunities for further engagement with the BOD and its committees, and to those who have volunteered their time to Saitsa events and programs that promote leadership such as Saitsa’s Elections, Board recruitment and engagement, Club Executive position(s), etc.

Please note that any personal information included within this application form will not be given to sources outside the SAIT Students’ Association. Saitsa Executives and full-time staff are not eligible for Saitsa Awards.

JM Parker Award Nomination Form

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