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Saitsa Student Clubs

Why Join a Club?

Make the most of your SAIT experience and join a club! Through Saitsa Student Clubs, you can meet new people who share the same interests as you, join industry networking events, and give back to the community!

Check out our Club Directory, login through the Club Student Portal using your SAIT credentials and join a club!

Saitsa Clubs Portal

Club Student Portal is a new resource for Saitsa Student Clubs events, activities, and opportunities.

Club Executives Portal is a new resource for Saitsa Student Club Executives to create clubs and organize events, activities, and opportunities.

For pre-existing clubs, please reset your Club Executives password.

Join a Club Today!

Club Directory

Student Portal

Login using your SAIT account to access clubs and events.

Club Executives Portal

Login to your club account to manage club members and events.

Club Events

Find events that match your interests.

Start a Club

Sign up for a club account using your SAIT email.

Clubs Handbook

Sign up for a club account using your SAIT email.

Clubs Policies & Procedures

Sign up for a club account using your SAIT email.

Clubs Forms & Resources

Resources for re-registering, funding and more.

Poster Board Locations

Sign up for a club account using your SAIT email.

Get the Rubric Campus App

Download the app to stay connected with your clubs.

Saitsa’s Clubs Coordinator is available to help you establish your club.

For questions, contact [email protected]

Club How-To's

Register a new Club

  1. Navigate to
  2. Create a Rubric club account
  3. Enter your SAIT email.
  4. Create a new password just for your Rubric club account
  5. Name your new Club / Society.
  6. Select Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) for the university.
  7. Select your Club type.
  8. Submit your Club / Society for approval by Saitsa

Re-Register a Club

  1. Navigate to
  2. Reset using your SAIT email.
  3. Create a new password just for your Rubric club account
  4. Name your new Club / Society.
  5. Select Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) for the university.
  6. Select your Club type.
  7. Submit your Club / Society for approval by Saitsa

Join an Existing Club

  1. Access Saitsa Student Clubs Portal using SAIT Email address and password.
  2. Go to ORGANIZATION tab.
  3. Choose the club you're interested in.
  4. Click Join/Contact.

Register for Club Events

  1. Access Saitsa Student Clubs Portal through: using SAIT Email address and password.
  2. Go to EVENT tab.
  3. Choose the event you are interested in.
  4. Scroll to RSVP to Event section.
  5. Click on Sign in to RSVP.
  6. Sign in using SAIT Email address and password.
  7. The RSVP to Event section will then give you the choice to attend the event.
  8. Click I will attend.
  9. Click RSVP.

Saitsa’s Club Coordinator is available to help you establish your club. For questions, contact [email protected]

TBD :: Club Forms and Funding Resources

Clubs Executive Resources Page

Reimbursement Funding

Club Testimonials