BOD Proposed Agenda Form First Name *Last Name *Email *Date of Submission *Date of BOD Meeting for motion/item to be discussed *My proposed agenda item refers to a: *Business Item: a motion - something to be voted onDiscussion Item: something you want to gauge interest/options onQuestion: typically in regards to administration/'housekeeping' topicsProposed Item's Title *If it is a Business item, write here what your motion would be: Select if applicable: This is a new business item.This is not a new business item (a business item can only reappear on an agenda if it was previously tabled or postponed to a later date).Include the reasoning or objective behind your proposed agenda item - try to ensure your response answers the following questions: *- Why is this item important to you/SAIT students? - What impact will a discussion or decision on this item have on Saitsa/SAIT students? - Who have you talked to or consulted on this item? What are some strategic questions related to this item?Upload supporting document(s) here Drop your file here or click here to upload Accepted file types: doc, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.Provide any URLs or additional text here. NameSubmit