World Kindness Day is November 13!

"The world is full of kind people, if you can't find one, be one."

World Kindness Day is a time of celebration and reflection.

The kindness you show to another person can inspire them to be kind, making the community and the world a better place to live in.

November 13 is a day of reflection, thinking about how you show kindness and how often you do to others. It's also about thinking back to times when others showed you kindness and how you felt. Did you have a better day because of it? Did it lead you to be kind to others?

World Kindness day also correlates with the importance of mental health. The interactions you receive or give affect your own mental health and others around you. That's why it's important to understand how kind you are to others and who around you is and isn't reciprocating kindness.

How can you participate in World Kindness Day? Let's take a look at some ways you can.

Be kind to others

Yes, this is an obvious one but can be the easiest to implement. Whether you are grabbing coffee at a café, going to work or a class, taking a stroll, or getting groceries, show kindness through your words and actions. A simple wave, smile, or greeting can make someone's day.

Be kind to yourself

Although it's important to be kind to others, it's just as important to be kind to yourself. How you treat yourself, through your thoughts and actions, are important. Take some time to think about how you think about yourself and what you tell yourself every day. Think about how you treat your body, from hygiene and food to working out consistently. Do you take time each week to let your body relax and clear your mind?

Compliment a co-worker or friend

Think back to a time someone gave you a compliment. It felt great, right? As a random act of kindness, compliment someone in your life and make their day. Although the people in your life know how great you are and you know how great they are, sometimes hearing that out loud is exactly what they need.

Treat someone to food or a drink

Who doesn't love free food or drinks? If you're in a line up for coffee or food, whether that's in a restaurant or drive-thru, consider treating the stranger behind you or the friend you're with to a free treat.