Marcel Carpenter Award

  • 1 appointed recipient/year
  • Award & recognition (no monetary value)
  • Nomination


Since 1986, Marcel Carpenter has demonstrated outstanding dedication to both SAIT and Saitsa; since 1990 Marcel has been an instructor and coordinator for SAIT and an advisor and mentor to the Saitsa team. This award was first established in 2001, and while 2016 marked Marcel’s official retirement from SAIT, his spirit and dedication to the SAIT and Saitsa communities will continue to be recognized through this award. This award is presented to a SAIT staff or instructor who has demonstrated outstanding dedication to Saitsa and the SAIT community. The award intends to recognize those in the SAIT community who contribute to enhancing the community spirit on campus by being actively engaged in the promotion of Saitsa services, programs, operations and elections.

Application Criteria

Any Saitsa or SAIT community member may nominate an individual who they feel demonstrates exceptional commitment to collaboration, networking, community building and/or mentorship with Saitsa. The nominator must provide an impact statement that briefly explains the impact that the nominee has had on the SAIT and Saitsa relationship.

Selection Criteria

The Awards Selection Committee will take into consideration the number of years the nominee has been involved with Saitsa, whether or not they have previously received the award, and request testimonials from Saitsa staff who have worked closely with the nominee. If required, the nominator will be contacted for further information.

Please note that any personal information included within this application form will not be given to sources outside the SAIT Students’ Association. Saitsa Executives and full-time staff are not eligible for Saitsa Awards.

Marcel Carpenter Nomination Form

Form submission is not open yet.