The following departments and initiatives provide valuable resources for students. Check out the listings below for more info on each department, and find links to their websites.
For all student financial aid questions (including student loans, emergency funding, and bursaries), contact Funding Advising, at the Lamb Learner Success Centre. Funding Advising can help guide you through the financial resources available to you as a SAIT student.
Lamb Learner Success Centre
Where: MC221, Stan Grad Centre
When: Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 3:30 pm
Questions? Call 403-284-7054 or email [email protected]
If you are in need of emergency food assistance please visit Saitsa's Emergency Food Fund Request page here. Saitsa can assist with completing a referral to the Calgary Food Bank for longer-term support.
Questions? email [email protected]
Buy a box of fruits and vegetables at a student-friendly price, courtesy of Community Kitchens of Calgary.
The boxes come in three approximate sizes:
– small box of fresh fruit and vegetables for $25
– medium box of fresh fruit and vegetables for $30
– large box of fresh fruit and vegetables for $35
Orders must be placed and pre-paid in cash only at the Saitsa Resource Centre office (MC107). Visit the Good Food Box page for order and pick up dates.
Boxes not claimed by 4 p.m. on the pick-up date are given away to students in need.
Questions? email [email protected]
Saitsa believes that hygiene should be a basic right, not a luxury. This initiative aims to collect donations of hygiene products and make them available to students in need.
To learn more visit
Every year, Saitsa partners with the Canada Revenue Agency’s Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). The CVITP provides students and the immediate community with a FREE service to have their taxes done by dedicated student-volunteers who have received CRA training in this program.
Please visit for more information
The Saitsa Resource Centre offers programming to help you financially such as:
- Saitsa Community Volunteer Income Tax Program designed to help individuals with limited income file their taxes for free (only available in March)
- Full-service printing, binding, laminating and other finishing services for all of your projects at student-friendly prices
- Discount ski-lift tickets, Flames and Stampeders tickets, and movie passes
- Job opportunities with Saitsa
- Volunteer opportunities with Saitsa
Are you looking for off-campus housing? Maybe it’s your first time living away from home and you need some assistance. Do not fear, Saitsa is here to help!
We’ve recently partnered with Places4Students Inc. to provide an online collection of numerous housing options. Places4Students provides students, schools and landlords with the highest quality, off-campus housing service. The website provides a large real-time database of student housing vacancies in our area, including photos, contact information and property features.
Students can search rental listings here.
Students can register to post a FREE Roommate/Sublet listing here.
Landlords can register to post listings here.
Places4Students Customer Service
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-866-766-0767
Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-7 p.m. EST & Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. EST