Federal Election


Federal Election 2021

The Canadian Federal election is coming up on September 20, 2021. This election will shape Canada's future, make sure your voice is heard! More information on the Federal Election can be found here.

How to Vote

  • You'll Need ID
  • Make a Plan
You'll Need ID

Your place of residence or home address is where you ordinary live, where you think of as home or have adopted as home. You must have ID with that address to register and vote.

Register to vote or update your address at elections.ca

Make a Plan

Voting on Election Day? You can vote at your assigned polling station on the date of the election.

Voting before Election Day? You can vote at your assigned polling station on advanced polling days or at any elections Canada office across Canada or you can apply to vote by mail.

You also have the option to vote by mail or vote at any Elections Canada office. You can learn more about your options to vote here.

Voting for Students

Students vote using the address they consider home, or where they ordinarily live. For some, this will be the address where they live while at school; for others, it may be another address such as of where they grew up or where they live when school is out. In either case, students must have ID with that address to register and vote.

Once you have confirmed the address you will use to vote and that you have ID with that address, it's time to make a plan to vote! More info for voting for students can be found here.

Jobs During the Election

Positions still need to be filled in Elections Canada offices across Canada. Some of these jobs are perfect for students. Learn more about the open positions here.

To work as a Poll Worker, you must be a Canadian citizen, must be at least 16 years old on election day and you must agree to refrain from any partisan political activity during the term of your employment.